America (and Canada) Need ALL Their Land Back In Order to Flourish
Who owns it? Maybe you won't be surprised.
Temp’s Sovereign Wealth Fund seems like a good idea, depending on who controls it. Trump says the U.S. will, but does that devolve to bureaucrats? Because …. really? When I say America here, I include Canada (as does every European btw), and Canada is interesting in this because the House of Windsor, ie that bonkers brutalist King Charles, who would have us all living off solar and bugs, owns what, 90% of the country?
Oh that’s just a formality, they say. Sure buddy, it’s a formality that allows Charles’ agents, ie conservation bureaucrats and theoretically-funded-by-us NGOs to say what, when and how, each and every day, to any farmer, rancher, developer or oil man in the nation. Why are we so pathetic? We can’t do anything without a sucker-bureaucrat supervising every move. Before I was 30 I started three small businesses, one of which was in New York City and lasted 15 years on the structure I built. When I moved back home to this spectacular place, over the years, I’ve thought of several that would use the distinct and sweet culture of the place, employ people, and throw some badly needed light into the lives of our community; living here feels somewhat like living under the giant wobbly butt of a very fat and very empowered woman. We gasp for the breath of life. I didn’t take the first step….because who needs all that pain?
Down south, it’s more Rothchildy. Now when you say that family’s name you instantly enter banker paranoid fantasy territory. But two of the smartest people I know were Rothschild adjacent: one - a wicked flirt of a beauty - used to travel to operas with Jacob on his plane, and the other travelled the world privatizing things for his company and ended up Policy Chief for the Conservative Party (UK). Were they deluded? Possible, I admit, extreme wealth is the ultimate seduction. In any case, it is hard for me to see the family as Lizards, though I have no trouble with Charles. I’ve met the man, he’s a vain creepy vain fool of an individual and entirely vulnerable to the spectacular fraud which is climate change.
So to me, right now, the Rothschilds are more an exemplar of how Big Big Money behaves. And that is very very Lizardy. Or Reptilian. Not Human. When I use the term Rothschild, I mean also BlackRock, Larry Fink, Gates, the European families, the Black Nobility, the Windsors, etc.
It is the nature of Big Money to loot. To steal from the weak. It’s almost impossible for it to act ethically. It takes on a life of its own, and just….steals. ‘Cause at a certain level, it becomes so so so easy. And if you don’t, someone else will and you will fall off the heights, which are extremely pleasant as you can imagine.
Therefore, for the past thirty years, they have paid to suppress economic activity across America - the United States and Canada - in order to ripen an investment in something called, um….like a Sovereign Wealth Fund. Or Natural Asset Corporation.
What the thousands of very recent subscribers to Absurdistan probably don’t know is that, for the past 20 years, I’ve been investigating and writing about the excrescence that is the environmental movement. For those new here, I live in a node of the movement, right up against its dire dire dire results. To prove I’m not a marauder, I live in a small forest I’ve covenanted in perpetuity, and built a green house. We use geothermal heat, and have green roofs. But here, and everywhere in the United States, we wrestle with something called the Environmental Iron Triangle of Bureaucrat/Legislator/NGO. The NGOs call the shots and the bureaucrats and legislators jump.

This is how it works.
What the left has done is create something they call ‘participatory democracy’, which means that activists, paid by NGOs, fight any and all economic activity in every jurisdiction to the point where anyone with a brain says, like I did, “Why bother?” This is why and how the activists live, on little bits of money doled out by NGOs and every level of government from every department (even libraries) and at every conceivable level: municipal, regional, state or provincial, and federal. So in fact, whether through the foregone taxes or direct taxes, we pay for these “participating democrats”, who are actually activists. And they hate commercial activity. They grudgingly consent we need some. But as little as possible.
No one else shows up at the meetings. It is the participating democrats, all paid by us, and no one else. Because everyone else has a job. And a family. And is busy. And trusting. And the levers of government are enormously complex and hard to decipher, which is deliberate. So the bureaucrats and legislators shrug and consent to whatever stupid anti-scientific thing they want. These same people, all paid by us, show up at the legislatures. I stood and watched them for several hours at the State Legislature in Olympia, Washington. Again, no one else shows up. We paid them to shut us down.
This is in every state, every province. Every single one. These are the people the LA police corralled in an underpass, protesting deportation of violent criminals. The funders were behind the Pussy Hat march. They funded the workers behind the stolen election. And of course, behind the fiery “Summer of Love” before the stolen election. Every single left-of-center protest is paid for by the taxpayers and plutocrats. And when I say paid for, I mean PAID. Paychecks, cash under the table. All the grumpy basement dwellers, the marginals with an education, the resentful and failed, get paid under the table to disrupt, to hurt, to prevent. Of course more of them are created every day as economic activity slides then slides some more.

These activists are the single most powerful impediment to economic growth outside the city centres, and many times within. Hence all that promise goes unfulfilled and you end up in a place, duplicated thousands and thousands of times across America, of the depressed, the elderly, lost decades and promise lying waiting.
But who runs them?
The very very rich. It’s a competition as to who can build the biggest army of deluded activists to prevent America from developing, so they can swoop in and buy it at a fire sale. I’ve written about it many times before, and Jay Valentine at Fractal has done astonishing work that visualizes the depth of their penetration into our lives.
That’s why people hate the Rothschilds. Because that is what they do. And again, when I say ‘the Rothschilds’, I mean all the ‘families’, the mega-mega rich who cruise the world looking for acquisitions, so they can collect more rent from their slaves, us. I laugh when everyone says that Elon is the richest man alive. Not even close. Some of those European families are an order of magnitude richer and they live for fire sales. Those people paid for America’s decline — so they could buy us out.
So this is the worry going forward. Do Trump and his team sell off America to participants in a Sovereign Wealth Fund? Or does control of the land go to the bureaucrats who already ruined us? Or does it go to the super rich hiding behind a proliferation of fancy benevolent-sounding names? Or do our resources get returned to us? The Sovereign Wealth Fund sounds an awful like the Natural Asset Companies promoted by the New York Stock Exchange and the SEC in the months before the election. That cute little trick meant the monetizing of America’s public lands, waters, minerals and selling them.
So who would buy them?
So here’s my suggestion from watching decades of the grinding poverty experienced by my fellow citizens when they should have been living well, happily, effulgently.
First get rid of the “participating democrats” or NGO-paid activists. Strip them of money. Audit their science. For a couple of painful math-y years, I went through environmental “science” and process with engineers and biologists. It’s all lies. It is science by politics, it is unmitigated crap. It has been used to steal our futures, and it has done so.
Then, actually return the control of land, water and minerals to the people, the states, the provinces, the regions, the counties and the townships. Let us decide. Let us take the bids, let us build the businesses. It is what everyone wants. Without the “participating democrats” being paid to create harm and chaos the largest plurality of us want growth. Good growth that considers local culture. THAT LAND IS OURS ANYWAY, not Trump’s or Larry Fink’s to sell off. Local ownership and control of resources is why America soared so high in the 19th century. It took two world wars to slow us down.
We are still living off the 100 year high that ended in 1914. That impetus, the energy, the freeing of millions to act independently, to create, to flourish, created searing envy around the world, created that marvel that is America. The worst people in the world - the conscience-less Big Big Money people - got together in a club and stole it.
I don’t know how to structure that return of wealth. But if you want America to grow and thrive and light up the universe again, that land, those resources, have to be returned to the people. Individual property rights are fundamental. It is the without which. Without that wealth the geniuses we need will not be born and flourish. The families will not form. The towns will not light up. The culture, genuine culture, not disgusting Hollywood culture, will not be born.
But, with that, the Trump Golden Age will inspire the world.
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Elizabeth Nickson was trained as a reporter at the London bureau of Time Magazine. She became European Bureau Chief of LIFE magazine in its last years of monthly publication, and during that time, acquired the rights to Nelson Mandela’s memoir before he was released from Robben Island. She went on to write for Harper’s Magazine, the Guardian, the Observer, the Independent, the Sunday Telegraph, the Sunday Times Magazine, the Telegraph, the Globe and Mail and the National Post. Her first book The Monkey Puzzle Tree was an investigation of the CIA MKULTRA mind control program and was published by Bloomsbury and Knopf Canada. Her next book, Eco-Fascists,,How Radical Environmentalists Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage, was a look at how environmentalism, badly practiced, is destroying the rural economy and rural culture in the U.S. and all over the world. It was published by Adam Bellow at Harper Collins US. She is a Senior Fellow at the Frontier Center for Public Policy, You can read in depth policy papers about various elements of the environmental junta here:
Her essay on the catastrophic failings of Canada's CBC is included in Michael Walsh’s Against the Corporate Media, 42 Ways the Press Hates You, published in September 2024
Have you seen the USAID scandal?
USAID stole over 500 millions. One recipient, CONSORTIUM FOR ELECTIONS & POLITICAL PROCESS STRENGTHENING, is the recipient of 48 active grants worth $528 million, all awarded from USAID and going to various nations.1
Also, USAID funding flow for The New York Times Neediest Cases2 Fund:
In the above graph, Stanford U. received 1.6 billion taxpaid dollars.
USAID, NASA (!), Government Accountability Office (!), Department of State, DoD, DoJ, DoL, SEC, FTC, were spending $8 million yearly on Politico:
In Feb 2025, Trump froze for 90 days, $268 million USAID funds for foreign media: 6,200 journalists, 707 news outlets, 279 “media” NGOs in more than 30 countries, including 9 out of 10 outlets in the Ukraine.3 And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, not only because Trump should have shut down USAID or cut all funding ($32 billion) instead of just 0.8%, not counting 63 billion on foreign aid (another black/dark budget since no foreigner has ever been prosecuted for embezzlement), but because USAID also uses funds from masonic foreign agencies, non-profits and corporations to fund mason-controlled media (while rejecting free journalism, especially in platforms like Substack, Gab, Telegram):
• “Media Viability Accelerator (MVA, Dec 2021) is a public-private partnership (typically masonic structure to steal money from taxpayers) with USAID, Microsoft, and Internews, using artificial intelligence and other digital tools to enable biased masonic media outlets to better understand markets, audiences, and strategies that will maximize their odds of profitability.
• USAID gave $20 million to the International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM) for grants across 16 countries to mason-controlled media outlets. USAID’s initial seed funding has leveraged an additional $30 million from 15 governments, philanthropies, and corporate entities.“ 4
• National Endowment for Democracy: “USAID, like the National Endowment for Democracy, are well-documented CIA fronts that are designed to manipulate other countries' internal politics.” 5
“Leaked messages reveal that Fernando Villavicencio (who received at least $65k from NED and produced a front page fabricated story about Assange which facilitated his arrest) was a US government informant.” 6
"Nine out of ten USAID dollars spent in 2022 went to contractors, mostly in the DC area. Less than one in ten went to front line groups."7
Leaked pdf proves US Special Forces doctrine on use of USAID in economic warfare:
“The two primary functions” of the USAID police training program were to allow the CIA to “plant men with local police in sensitive places around the world,” and to bring to the United States “prime candidates for enrollment as CIA employees.”8
Many leaks proved how USAID undermined democracy and the free press, exactly the opposite from what they claim.9
They misappropriate the Government budget. For example, Bill *Kristol, a freemason, recognised: “The deep state is far preferable to the Trump state.”1 Why? Because he was being paid millions by the Rockefellers using USAID taxpaid money (as if the Rockefellers didn’t have money already!).
Bill is son of Irving Kristol, a leftist journalist, writer, "Godfather of Neoconservatism", member of the CFR (an easy way to spot masons)2.
“Bill Krystol is what we in the service called a Chicken hawk: A pusscake who specifically refused to serve in the armed forces when needed or given a chance and yet is the loudest possible advocate for armed conflict. John Bolton is another prototypical example: joined the National Guard as soon as he saw the Vietnam War draft was imminent to get a deferment and yet was a huge promoter for the guard and known to have badgered his friends to join the military (even then as a student, he was very brave but only from afar and he loves the military just didn't want it anywhere near him just like Liberals do with migrants). Other classic examples are Max Boot, Victoria Nuland, Mitt Romney and Dick Cheney. Bolton, for instance, pushed hard for the Irak War, the Afghan War, war against Iran, against North Korea, against Russia, against Mexico, against Vietnam, against Libya, against Kosovo, against China and many others. … Neocons are almost never veterans. They view soldiers as pawns for their personal ambitions, yet corporate media never, ever challenges their credibility. This, despite their endless failed policy and predictions.“ 3
Neocons are in fact masons! Kristol keeps pushing war in the Ukraine, Gaza genocide4, Iran, yet he’d never hold a gun: it’s always about sending other people’s children to fight and die for his vested interests.
In 1995, Kristol co-founded the Weekly Standard Magazine, owned by mason Rupert Murdoch until 2009, promoting Middle East warfare and a huge military budget.
In 1997, Kristol co-founded the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), together with mason Robert W. *Kagan (CFR), husband of Victoria Nuland (Ukrainian Nudelman5). She was mason Dick Cheney’s Chief Foreign Policy Advisor for the Iraq war, then running the Ukraine op under Obama, first for Hillary Clinton, then for John Kerry and finally, for Biden.
Kristol, “the No. 1 cheerleader for the Iraq war”6:
• 26 Jan 1998. PNAC Kristol, Kagan, Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Francis Fukuyama and fellow PNAC masons, wrote a letter to Bill Clinton.7 They wanted the invasion under the pretext of Hussein’s (non-existent) weapons of mass destruction and were glad that 9/11 unleashed it.
• 30 Jan 1998. Kristol and Kagan published “Bombing Iraq Isn't Enough” in the New York Times.8
• Sep 2000. Kristol et al., published the PNAC blueprint for the Hussein regime change: “Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century”.9
• 20 Sep 2001. Kristol et al, published PNAC letter endorsing President George W. Bush's “admirable commitment to 'lead the world to victory' in the war against terrorism.”10
• He falsely blamed Hussein for the anthrax attacks (Amerithrax).11
Just like 9/11 false flag, the Irak war had been long planned.
2018. His son Joseph Kristol started working for mason Senator Tom Cotton.12 Cotton is no cotton:
• Member of the masonic Club for Growth.
• Mason Mitt Romney supported his 2014 campaign.
• 2016, supported torture (waterboarding).
• 2019, supported abortion left to the States13 despite recognizing that life with Constitutional rights begins at conception.14
• 2020, supported slavery.15
• Plotted against Trump and certified the 2020 fraudulent elections.16
• 28 May 2021, voted against forming a commission to investigate J6.17
• 2023, supported the Gaza genocide.18
• 2025, as chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, blocked Bobby Kennedy’s daugther-in-law to a top CIA position.19 She’d have proven that the masonic CIA murdered JFK !
• Favorite authors? Masons!: Walter Russell Mead, Robert D. Kaplan, Henry Kissinger, and CIA-agent Jason Matthews.20
• Masons want Cotton to take over the MAGA movement after they finally succeed in murdering, impeaching, or incapacitating Trump.
Kristol is a trustee for the masonic Manhattan Institute, which was founded by mason CIA Director William Casey and was staffed with former mason CIA officers.21
May 2020. Kristol founded “Republican Voters Against Trump”, a project of Defending Democracy Together (DDT), and stated publicly that he voted for Biden.
Jan 2024. Through DDT, he supported with hundreds of thousands of taxpaid dollars Nikki Haley and run ads against Trump, of course, voting for Kamala.22
Bill Kristol, President of Defending Democracy (EIN 831567380), is an indirect beneficiary of USAID through Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.
President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”
Who are The Powers That SHOULDN'T Be ?
Weaponization of Justice
Illuminati David Rockefeller, finest quotes:
Confessions of ex illuminati Ronald Bernard:
Illuminati Attali, finest quotes:
Chisholm, father of the WHO’s global pedophilia
Ex mason Serge Abad-Gallardo:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Please share, not the articles, but the information! I'm expendable. Saving the free world, is not!
We are so hopeful - things are turning, no way around it - and yet...
Nearly half of us seem to be at least partly listening to the CNN/NBC/CBS/WaPo/WSJ/NYT/CIA/DNC/Obama/ChicagoMob/etc press. Until that gets worn down - and there is at least some reasonable hope that it's happening - the Libranos will hold on to power in the True North, and the idiotic lies opposing exposing the con in the US will eventually prevail.
Turn it off! Give a (critical) ear to Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, Elizabeth, etc. etc. etc. Don't just follow X but support it. Always being critical, but do give an ear - and if you're paying attention to the USAID-supported liars, don't swallow what they say without a serious "Whah?" We can reverse the '63 coup, but we need numbers - big numbers.
There is hope, but we must pray, don't feed the trolls, and, everyone, watch your six!