A Better Medical System Mushrooms beneath the Surface
We Are Living in a Time of Heroes, Celia Farber, RFKJr, Malone, McCullough, the Breggins and dozens, if not hundreds more.
“The only way to be a successful scientist today is to follow consensus.” Richard Strohman
I spent three years in bed not too long ago. I didn’t have a GP, we have rationing in the demented Dominion and GPs are hard to find. When I thought I was dying, I’d go to emergency, who would do a panel of blood tests, shrug and send me home telling me I was not dying. Probably. My naturopath and I identified it as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a condition long sold by Pharma as psychological weakness. I of course rejected that, and come from a long line of women who live into their 100’s, complaining all the while, and they knew just about all there was to know about complementary medicine. The last time my grandmother went into the hospital a small suitcase burst open and all her supplements spilled out.
“Is your mother one of those women who are always sick?” the nurse asked.
My mother nodded.
“Those old ladies go on forever.”
So yeah a hypervigilant immune system does confer longevity. She had survived breast cancer, heart attacks and a stroke and was still telling people how to live at the age of 97. I told my old GP about her once, and she shook her head. “Not possible to survive breast cancer at that time.” ‘Sure’, I thought, ‘if one were only using your medicine.’
Three years in bed meant as much reading as one could want. Therefore I was familiar with the work of Judy Mikovits who discovered XMRV in the blood of prostate cancer and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients, a Leukemia virus she believed was built into/accidentally included in vaccines. Her 2014 book, Plague: One Scientist's Intrepid Search for the Truth about Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases outlines, in detail her work.
My mother and I had taken the flu vaccines for three years before we realized they were making us sicker than we would have been, had we had the flu. Mikovits describes in her follow up book, that one of her colleague had said to his circle in 2018:
“We have seen people dying across the country of the flu and the one thing nearly all of them have in common is that they got the flu shot.” 1
He died under mysterious circumstances a few days later.
Mikovits was ruined after she published her paper in 2009. Her mother had sent her a package with $1000 in cash, a burner phone and a portable toilet prior to publication, saying “you will need this one day”. And, as it turned out, she did. She was arrested and jailed without charge, threatened repeatedly, followed, tracked, locked out of her lab, locked out of the medical libraries, fired and cancelled. She and her husband, once prosperous, lost everything,
Sound familiar? In Mikovits second book, Plague, she lists other medical researchers killed when they tried to promote or further her work. She was lucky to live. Natural medicine is filled with the deaths of over 100 doctors, who were treating cancer successfully outside of the system. Big Pharma is murderous when you threaten its existence.
Another woman lucky to be alive is Celia Farber. Farber is the OG, the pioneer in this field.
In 2006, Farber published Serious Adverse Events, about the AIDS cock-up and it has just been republished, with a forward by Mark Crispin Miller. Much of the weight in RFK Jrs The Real Antony Fauci is based on Farber’s work. Yes, Kennedy has long been associated with vaccine damage and knows a great deal but it is Farber who has done the real heavy lifting and gives his book its heft.
Serious Adverse Events is not just a dramatic and mesmerizing piece of work, it is deeply scholarly. Kennedy, the many courageous physicians collected in Dr. Robert Malone’s Lies My Government Told Me, Naomi Wolf’s The Bodies of Others, even Desmet’s The Psychology of Totalitarianism owe a massive debt to Farber. Without her work, theirs could not exist. Even Plague of Corruption, written by one of the first cancelled medical researchers does not go as deep into the machinations of “science”. And no one’s work is as complex regarding maneuverings behind the scenes in Fauci’s criminal dominion, or as or brave in facing the darkness. I am glad I did not see what Farber saw in Africa, courtesy of Fauci. Kennedy too, describes the hell Pharma and Fauci have visited on vulnerable women, men and especially children in Africa. They were literally seeding the whirlwind.
Farber was “blacklisted, radio-active” after the publication in Harper’s of her final piece on the AIDS regime, which is collected in the book. Doxed, attacked, horrifying death threats, she was “isolated in my New York apartment unsure what my crime was but feeling a kind of chronic mortification unable to aspire, or “see” my future”. She writes about scientists fighting the AIDS regime with detailed sympathy. Peter Duesberg, who defined the first cancer genes and was one of the youngest inductees into the US National Academy of Sciences, was locked out of his lab and his profession when he advanced the theory that HIV did not necessarily mean death from AIDS. He received no funding for the next thirty years.
At the time Fauci etc. were claiming that HIV would wipe out one-quarter of the US population in three years. Seeding doubt into Fauci’s fear parade meant career murder.
Journalism is filled with gadflys and thieves and these days, over half of us are straight-up propagandists, but Farber’s work is equal to the best of Seymour Hersh’s and as important as the Pentagon Papers. I repeat this, as important as the Pentagon Papers. The best journalism shifts criminal enterprises, especially within government.
Around 1988, Duesberg set about documenting the final effect on the body’s cellular system of a range of chemical assaults, from recreational to pharmaceutical. He picked up the CDC’s own pre-HIV theory, which was that amyl nitrites—called “poppers” and used to facilitate anal sex in the bathhouses in the early 1980s—as well as scores of other drugs, could be causing the destruction of the immune system all by themselves.
Manufacturers learned how to sidestep the FDA, marketing poppers as “room odorizers” and selling them directly to gay men, over the counter, from corner bodegas and newspaper shops.
One such study, conducted by Lee Soderberg of the University of Arkansas, found that mice exposed to poppers fumes for two weeks, forty-five minutes a day, had decreases in body and spleen weight, sharply reduced T-cells, and reduced white blood cell functions, among other effects. Later studies of poppers in mice showed that they also, with longer-term use, developed pneumonias and fungal infections.
The AIDS crisis was perfect for the complete capture of health by industry. It started when Fauci recognized the profitability of the drug regimes he could sell to the terrified. He was a cool cool customer to recognize the opportunity, to create and enhance the sheer panic, the ancient fears “seeded in sex, shame and death2”, the deranging fears seeded first among gay men, then as the opportunities for our legal drug lords became clear, all of us. Reading Serious Adverse Events, side by side with the extraordinary work of Sasha Lepotov and Katherine Watt, it is impossible to dismiss the suspicion that this virus was engineered and dumped into gay clubs in order to seed panic and profits. Reading Serious Adverse Events, one becomes capable of considering other theories like whether the National Security State dumped crack into black neighborhoods. One starts to consider the possibility that Charles Manson was an MKUltra killer designed to shut down LA’s free love era. My mother was an unwilling participant in MKUltra experiments, so this isn’t a bridge too far for me. The Montreal experiments were real, and no doubt continued. The NIH is, after all, a branch of the U.S. military.
Yeah, it’s that bad. Farber’s work is so detailed, so granular, that you literally must believe that every single conclusion is right.
Today’s scientists are wholly dependent for their survival upon the will of conjoined financial megalopolis connecting government, academia, and the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. If you talk to them, they almost all speak of fear - fear of losing their funding.
Alternative medicine would have seen AIDS as extreme nutritional deprivation exacerbated by drugs, particularly poppers which destroy your lungs, and the unknown risks of having 2,000 sex partners by the age of 25. That, logically meant severely depleted immune systems, or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Childhood vaccines, as ably detailed by RKFJr., may have been a contributing factor. Many gay men carried elements of the Epstein Barre complex, Herpes 1-6, including CMV, three of which I found in my blood during my time in bed. Once the risky behaviour slowed and then almost stopped, AIDS more or less became quiescient. Cocktails keep many HIV+ and AIDS carriers alive, but many have just joined the heath revolution, intense nutritional focus, clean living, no drugs. Where AIDS is found today is among those severely malnourished and/or drug users. And in Africa where severe malnourishment is common.
But hey, was there ever money to be made, and careers: AZT, the most toxic cancer drug known to man, nevirapine used widely in Africa with newborns, also severely toxic. Drugs that were forced on black women and babies, paid for by the taxpayer, drugs that caused them to writhe on the floor in pain, and caused many babies to not thrive and then die. The list of side effects caused by the drugs that Pharma and Fauci forced on sufferers in the 80’s and 90’s is chilling beyond measure. It is flat-out criminal, and it was inflicted on the weakest among us.
I cannot recommend Farber’s work strongly enough. If you read it, and then follow on to the other books in this field, Kennedy, Mikovits, Malone, Desmet, McCullough, you will find, laid bare, the proverbial patient on the operating table, our culture defined, and the route to health paved and ready for use. The writing in each of the books is a clear, easy, pleasure, but Farber’s prose demonstrates the rhetorical skills of a real writer.
There are several hundred thousand physicians and scientists working on our next iteration. Today I hike mountains in the snow and swim the freezing ocean. At Christmas, I shoved a large chunk of ice out of our creek and climbed in. I feel stronger today than I did at ten, something I state to any medical person I run into. Rest, herbal supplements, LDN, and extreme nutrition with non-poisoned local food did it, I re-nutrified myself.
Vaccine damage is fixable. But only with the new medicine being devised right in front of our faces, led by people who live under constant fire. The heroes of today.
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Baxter Dimitrym “CDC Doctor, who Claimed Flue Shot Caused Outbreak, Missing, Feared Dead”, Newspunch, February 22,2018; Phil McCausland, CDC Employee Timothy Cunningham Went Missing More Than A Week ago,” NBC News, February 23,2018
all quotes from Celia Farber. Serious Adverse Events, Chelsea Green Publishing. Kindle Edition. 2023
We certainly live in perilous times when truth is dangerous and lies are rampant about how to have robust health. It will be a relief to see Allopathic medicine go by the wayside and see an awakening of ideas that ditch synthetic chemicals for
proper nutrition, herbalism and other natural ingredients that our bodies need for functioning the way our creator intended.
Like the meme sez: "Stop saying you did your research before you took the injection. You ARE the research." That rat-bastard Fauci has got his coming. Supernaturally evil. No other explanation.